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  • Writer's pictureSayo Og


Words mean so very much to me.

They are the fuel for my soul - able to revive and revitalise my very being even in the weariest seasons.

Words are everywhere. But they aren't created equal.

There’s so much incidental reading that happens now a days. Instagram captions are getting longer, twitter now allows 280 characters per tweet and some work colleagues still haven’t perfected how to write a short, concise email. I’m genuinely shocked when people proclaim “I don’t read” or “I’m not much of a reader” because factually speaking that’s incorrect (unless you actually haven’t mastered the skill of reading, in which case, that would be a factual statement).

I know that when people make these proclamations, they are more often specifically referring to their conscious (or sometimes subconscious) decision not to engage in intentional reading – of a book, of articles or even quotes. In this day and age, you can even have your book ‘read’ to you in audio format and yet some prefer to disengage.

This is something that I honestly cannot understand because I truly believe in the transformative power of a word in season. That sounds really airy fairy and not very concrete. What I mean by that is - a word (singular, sentence, paragraph, entire book) that catches you at the exact right time and space (moment) in your life can have a substantial impact on you, emotionally, spiritually, physically and actually change the course of your life.

I’ve experienced it so many times;

Words that have helped to shape the entire basis of my worldview.

Words that have angered me so much they’ve caused me to reflect on my own beliefs and behaviours.

Words that have stirred me to tears, to compassion, to action.

Words that have cleansed my aching heart, settled my rising fear and quietened the loudest insecurities.

I am intentional in making time to read words that act as kindling to my soul every single day. Whether it’s the book I’m reading for that month, the devotional I’m meditating on for the day, or the caption that I’ve read that has lifted my spirit in the moment. Making time to read and absorb words is so important.

There is danger in being passive with the words you take in. Words are so powerful, they’ll take root whether you’re paying attention or not. That’s why I actively read and seek out words that will be at my arsenal when the destructive words try to take hold. Words that matter can and will combat the words that don’t.

I’m feeling especially tender about words in this moment (time – Sunday night, space – my bedroom) because I’ve just rediscovered the Instagram page of a true wordsmith – Jedidiah Jenkins. His words (through his captions, interviews and book) have resonated so much in this moment. I’ve come across his page before but he’s words at that moment didn’t do much for me but for some reason in this moment, I’m sitting raw and challenged because of some of his words tonight.

Funny how words work like that.


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