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  • Writer's pictureSayo Og

'Til death do us part'

My people. D. E. O. S. J.

“I am high key obsessed with us”

Every single time I’m with my girl gang someone utters these words. Without fail.

It’s a privilege to find your chosen people. Those you choose and those who choose you in return.

I have found my people.

Every time we get together it feels like taking a breath, waiting for it to warm all the deepest parts of your insides and exhaling knowing every part of you is rejuvenated.

Our friendship is hard fought. It is not always easy and it never will be. We are six women, on six different journeys with six different points of views. There are times when tension, misunderstandings, miscommunication and hurt feelings threaten our bond. There are moments when the only way forward in our relationship is to take a step back from one another and create distance. There have been days, weeks and months when we have had to allow one another the freedom to figure things out apart from each other.

But we believe in what we have created.

We are committed to working at bettering our individual selves because we know the group is only as strong as the separate parts. This means being open to hear and listen, truly listen, to what the other is saying. This means that loving and tenderly delivered reality checks are accepted with the same credibility as the free-flowing support and encouragement. This means acknowledging that friendship is dynamic and that no one person can be all that you need them to be. There’s joy in knowing that having five other people in your girl gang means there’ll always be someone able and willing to meet you where you are.

Champagne Breakfast

Recently, the last of us finally joined the 25 years of life squad. So, we drove down the coast, spent the weekend in a tree house and swam in the ocean. We drink bougie champagne for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We laughed a lot, we danced a lot, we talked dreams and side hustles. Then we poured love onto our girl as she entered a new year of life.


We’re lucky to have each other. We know it. We plan on keeping it that way ‘til death do us part’.


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