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  • Writer's pictureSayo Og


I am 25. A quarter of a century. I have lived 2 and a half decades.

Celebrating a birthday is one of the most mundane and literally everyday occurrences in life. Everyone has a birthday. Someone, somewhere, is celebrating their birthday in someway.

It's strange to me how much weight I have allowed myself to attach to this new year of life.

It feels different because I have decided to make it so. I have made the conscious decision to make it a defining occasion in my life. An opportunity to take stock of life as I know it and look towards life as I want it to be.

As I have reflected over the first quarter of my life, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

I am grateful for the steady and sure base my relationship with the Creator provides.

I am grateful for the journey I have taken to find spaces where my voice is valued. The journey to truly love the reflection that looks back at me. The journey of investing in my own mental growth. And to know who I am and what I stand for because that's what really matters.

I am grateful for family and friends who support, counsel and continuously pour out love (even when it's the tough, hard to hear but totally necessary type). The fun times, the hard times, the highs and the lows are better when my people are with me.

I am grateful for dreams so big they scare me. For an 'unshakeable why' that keeps me going in the face of failure, disappointment and discontentment.

Most of all, I am grateful for life. For the hope and the endless possibilities that is inherent in each new day I am gifted.

I have lived 25 years and they've been full of so much good stuff.

But I am looking forwards and on wards to the joy, success and endless love I know the next quarter will bring.

I am ready.


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