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  • Writer's pictureSayo Og


There’s something about adulthood they don’t warn you about - if you’re breathing, you’re spending money.

No matter what you do, you’re always spending money.

I cannot say this loud enough – LITERALLY EVERYTHING COSTS MONEY.

Clothes – costs money

Entertainment / Leisure – costs money

Shelter – costs money (Shout out to the parents that let you pay this by way of manual labour instead of tangible money)

Transport to get to that job you desperately need to afford…life - costs money

Food – costs HELLA money (this one burns the most because you actually can’t live without it but also WHY IS FOOD SHOPPING SO EXPENSIVE???)

Listen, I’m no fool. I know there are ways to budget, to pinch pockets and minimise the cost of life. I’m an advocate of it. I’ve read the books, listened to the podcasts and written out many budgets myself. I’m an Aldi shopper, a lover of sale season and a meal prep-er. I understand that there are times in life when you have to sacrifice for the longer term. I’ve done all the things.

I even started this year off with the goal of saving more money then I’ve ever saved before. But then again, I also decided that this year would be all about saying yes to life experiences. Unfortunately, all of life’s greatest adventures usually involve some sort of monetary cost. Which, I am fast learning, is the simple and unavoidable reality.

I know that I am incredibly lucky because I do have a steady stream of income that affords a very comfortable lifestyle. And I know I take this for granted more than I should. But even with this in mind, there’s always that desire to earn more money so that I can get more stuff and do more things.

I’m realising that wanting more money isn’t a bad thing. It’s the reality of things. Adulthood and all that comes with is more expensive then ever before and we’ve got to finance our lives one way or another. The big task I’m grappling with when it comes to my finances is making sure I’m spending each dollar meaningfully.

So, if anyone’s got tips on how to ensure that’s the case, send me the book title, the podcast name or the website link. I’d gladly spend my money on that.


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