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  • Writer's pictureSayo Og



There are weeks in adulthood when everything seems to go to plan. Your hair is neat, your clothes are clean, your nails are freshly did. You’re reading (and believing) your daily affirmations, journalling consistently and you made it to ALL your yoga classes for the week. You know those weeks when you look at memes about how hard adulthood is and you think to yourself “I can’t relate”.

This was not one of those weeks for me.

This was the kind of week at work when on Tuesday you start casually scrolling through job vacancies on your company’s job site during your lunch break. Then by Friday you’re on your work computer combing through external job sites (no filters added!) because you’re ready to leave and don’t give an eff who sees you plotting your escape.

This was the kind of week when you plan to go to the gym straight after work and without fail some sort of disaster pops up at 4:30 pm preventing you from going. The kind of week when all of a sudden, the world’s chocolate concentrations seem to be highest wherever you are at that exact moment, ready to tempt you (you guessed it – I failed the test).

The kind of week when your money seems to live by the motto “Now you see me, now you don’t”. The kind of week when those big, amazing, super awesome adult decisions you made a year a go come to bite you in the ass. Because what they don’t tell you (or maybe they do and I just wasn’t listening) is oftentimes when you make huge, big ongoing financial commitments to anything - you need to keep spending money to make some more.

One of those weeks when I’m frantically writing this because I’ve got a self-imposed deadline that I’m determined to keep because consistency is the key to success. One of those weeks when I question what the point of even writing this blog is. When doubt and uncertainty are clouding my clarity, focus and vision.

This was one of those weeks.

There are lessons to be learnt in these weeks. The lesson of contentment in one’s present moment. The lesson that your job is actually not that bad and it was really just a bad week. The lesson that gym or not, chocolate or not, you’re stuck with your body for the long haul. So, there’ll be other weeks when you eat vegetables all three meals of the day and go to the gym 2 times a day for 6 days straight. The lesson that money comes and money goes and it’s worth it to invest in building your future. The lesson of believing in and trusting past vision to power your today.

But, you only get to learn these lessons when you MAKE IT THROUGH. When you come to the other side.

That’s why I’m DEEP, yoga breathes breathing through these bad weeks willing, praying and certain the good weeks are on their way.


Some weeks in adulthood are a bit like turning up to a lavender farm to find out the lavender has faded. Disappointing.

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